Domain Age Checker | SoftwareVital

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Domain Age Checker

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About Domain Age Checker


About Domain Age Checker

Many distinct elements contribute to a website's ranking in search engine optimization, often known as SEO. The most prevalent and crucial of these characteristics are on-page SEO, backlinks, and keyword density. However, there is another aspect that may influence a website's ranking that SEOs and webmasters sometimes overlook: the Domain Age.

Domain Age Checker is an online tool for determining the precise age of a domain or website, from the time it was initially registered to the time it is now functioning. Search engines consider domain age to be one of the most important variables in website ranking. As a result, it is critical for keeping track of the age of your internet-hosted website. You may use domain age checker to see how old your competitor's domain is, as well as the domains you intend to acquire. Older domains are more likely to improve their search engine rankings. Finding out the exact time range for the age of a domain is considerably easier using tools like bulk domain name checker, bulk domain authority checker, and domain age checker. Most of the time, the findings provided by a domain age checker are accurate and dependable.


On the internet, you can simply obtain a free Domain Age Checker. There is no need to register, sign up, or install most of these programmes. This tool may be used to estimate a website's age; some of these tools also allow you to examine how the website looked previously.


Is Domain Age Important?

Yes is the clear answer to this question. The age of a domain is crucial for SEO and Google ranking. The age of a domain is one of the weighting criteria that Google uses when ranking a webpage. To put it another way, the age of a domain is significant.

It's important to remember that domain age refers to the time when Google first indexed a domain, not how long you've held it.That is why, in order to improve their Google results, many firms attempt to acquire "age domains" that have been around for a while. Nonetheless, just because a domain was registered ten years ago does not imply Google considers it to be ten years old; it must have been indexed by Google.

To put it another way, if a domain has been registered for ten years but hasn't been used in any form, it's as if you just acquired it yesterday.


Domain Age Checker for SEO & Google Ranking?

There has been some discussion regarding how the age of a domain affects your capacity to rank higher. SEO testing and experience show that an older domain age performs somewhat better when competing for rankings. In reality, Google has shed some light on the relevance of domain age, albeit they are still keeping their cards close to their breast, as one might anticipate.


Let's talk about what we know:


  • Domain age is an important component and part of SEO when it comes to calculating Google rankings.

  • For the first several months when Google discovers a website, it is given little attention. It's difficult to rank highly for competitive terms in the first several months. In fact, some SEOs would avoid working with fresh new domains.

  • According to Google, the difference between a six-month-old domain and a twelve-month-old domain is negligible.